Fish Fanatic
Hi All
My silver mollies gave birth about 4 weeks ago - I put them in breeding nets in my main tank and everything seemed to be okay (lost the odd one or two).
At About 1/4" I moved them to my 18" tank (Approx 40) I did a water check and found the Nitrites had shot up to 2.0ppm so did a 50% water change. Repeated check the day after Nitrites still 2.0ppm. Also started to find some more dead fry (usually up to 2) so I decided to move them back to my main tank where all my readings are fine (Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20)
I am now concerned as I am still losing fry (between 1 - 2 every couple of days) I have checked the water in my main tank - okay (as above) the fry are in two nets (approx 15 in each).
I feed a mixture of flake and live foods (Bloodworms, Daphnia etc)
The fry that are dying are a mixture of sizes (some small ones about 1/4" and some that are nearly 3/4") All the fry seem healthy until I find them dead (no signs of abdominal swelling, illnesses.
There is no sign of illness in the parents (or the other fish in the main tank)
I`m totally confused about what might be causing this - can anyone throw any light on whats happening?
p.s. on a good note my big tank has now cycled and has got the silver sharks in it along with the guppy - great fun trying to catch the sharks to move them.
My silver mollies gave birth about 4 weeks ago - I put them in breeding nets in my main tank and everything seemed to be okay (lost the odd one or two).
At About 1/4" I moved them to my 18" tank (Approx 40) I did a water check and found the Nitrites had shot up to 2.0ppm so did a 50% water change. Repeated check the day after Nitrites still 2.0ppm. Also started to find some more dead fry (usually up to 2) so I decided to move them back to my main tank where all my readings are fine (Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20)
I am now concerned as I am still losing fry (between 1 - 2 every couple of days) I have checked the water in my main tank - okay (as above) the fry are in two nets (approx 15 in each).
I feed a mixture of flake and live foods (Bloodworms, Daphnia etc)
The fry that are dying are a mixture of sizes (some small ones about 1/4" and some that are nearly 3/4") All the fry seem healthy until I find them dead (no signs of abdominal swelling, illnesses.
There is no sign of illness in the parents (or the other fish in the main tank)
I`m totally confused about what might be causing this - can anyone throw any light on whats happening?
p.s. on a good note my big tank has now cycled and has got the silver sharks in it along with the guppy - great fun trying to catch the sharks to move them.