Silver male


Fish Crazy
Jun 5, 2004
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Today i saw a silver male betta, and knowing i had never seen a silver male before, and knew if i didnt get it straight away someone alse would get him,

his a short tailed male, think his a plakat and he doesnt try to kill my other females (i tested him out in the community tank), he doesnt have a white spot, so im guessing since i just got him he hasnt bothered the females because his just gettin used to them, but another weird thing is, before my red female kept bulling my blue one, now they are both just interested in swiming with each other (all three of them including the male!) is this ordernary behaviour? :blink:

hmm or maybe i purchased that other breed of betta the one thats peaceful, i think its called beta ispendel or somthing, any1 think i may have bought one of these?
u most probably are speaking about the peaceful betta.........the betta imbellis
Betta splendins come in silver too, but it couldn't be a plakat, they are REALLY agressive.

Posting a pic would help us.
k, hmm so if it isnt a plakat, wat could it be?, i will upload some pics as soon as possible! :)
u most probably are speaking about the peaceful betta.........the betta imbellis

Betta imbellis is not peaceful and it's certainly not silver.

Betta splendins come in silver too, but it couldn't be a plakat, they are REALLY agressive.

Plakats aren't nessesarily more agressive than other tail forms. Each fish has a different character. Some males are very agressive and others are more docile....same goes for females.
then, why do they sometimes swim around with each other like a school of fish :S
Some people have males toghether but these are exeptions. Usually they will fight if they are put together. In a big tank with lots of plants the fights will be less severe and the fish can avoid each other. But fighting will occur and the chance that the fish are injured and get sick is high.
no i dont mean my other two boys, their in a divider, i meant why do my females not mind the silver male swimming around them, and why does the silver male not want to kill the female? this is quite strange, then again all bettas have different personalities so i think i must of gotten lucky :), he will still want to spawn though wont he?
Male betta's don't want to kill females (the same can't be said for some human males)....they just want to chase them of off their territory. But people keep males and female betta's in small tanks and with very few plans so the female can't get out of the territory of the males and the male ends up killing the female.

But there are some males that are so agressive that they can't be kept with females no matter how big the tank is. And some females are also so agressive that they have to be kept separate.

Yes, he will spawn.
yes-silver is quite rare if it is a clean irridescent silver. show us a pic.

i have actually only see silver crowntails-they were on aquabid a long time ago.
annieka said:
u most probably are speaking about the peaceful betta.........the betta imbellis

Betta imbellis is not peaceful and it's certainly not silver.

Betta splendins come in silver too, but it couldn't be a plakat, they are REALLY agressive.

Plakats aren't nessesarily more agressive than other tail forms. Each fish has a different character. Some males are very agressive and others are more docile....same goes for females.
i have seen some silver imbellis on atison's website actually.
hey my fish body and tail looks like the one in your signiture, wat tail is that? also the boy has started to chase the females, but only like a bit, whereas my red boy chaces them until the female leads him into a plant where he gets traped :p hehe,
as for the pics i got them allready i just need my dad to upload them, his gonna do that tonight, so hopefully u can tell me if his a pure silver, which i think he is but he is like a dark silver, allmost coper like, well thats what they said at my lfs, they said he is coper plus they said he was the second one they had ever seen. feeling as though they might just be saying that to sell him to me i asked here, so is silver/coper a rare color, does any1 alse have a silver/coper betta here :) . also how much did u see the silver/ct on ebay for jacblades? i got mine for 12$ aus (about 6$ us) here but he aint a crown tail his the one in bbk groups sig.
LynX said:
hey my fish body and tail looks like the one in your signiture, wat tail is that? also the boy has started to chase the females, but only like a bit, whereas my red boy chaces them until the female leads him into a plant where he gets traped :p hehe,
as for the pics i got them allready i just need my dad to upload them, his gonna do that tonight, so hopefully u can tell me if his a pure silver, which i think he is but he is like a dark silver, allmost coper like, well thats what they said at my lfs, they said he is coper plus they said he was the second one they had ever seen. feeling as though they might just be saying that to sell him to me i asked here, so is silver/coper a rare color, does any1 alse have a silver/coper betta here :) . also how much did u see the silver/ct on ebay for jacblades? i got mine for 12$ aus (about 6$ us) here but he aint a crown tail his the one in bbk groups sig.
coppers have been around a while now and more than a few of us here have them ;) the imbellis in my sig is of the short tail "plakat" variety. ;)
ok thnx, so it is a plakat now, hehe im confused some ppl say its not others say it is, but because u say the one in ur sig is a plakat im certain mine is..

ps i will have photos soon :D

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