Silver Hatchets With Senegal?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 13, 2008
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No Va, US of A
I am getting a 75 set up soon and I am thinking stocking. I would like to put a great big herd (16-20) of hatchets in there, but the one definite is going to be the sennie. (cant afford an ornate at the moment...) I would also like to add a BGK to the mix,and I know that while they are all small, it will be no problem, but as the big uns get bigger, will the flock stay safe?
it depends on the hatchetfish. Some species get to a couple of inches long and they might be big enough so they don't get eaten. However, I think with a couple of nocturnal predators in the tank, (black ghost and birchirs) the hatchets might get chased and spooked at night and try to jump out. You are probably better off avoiding hatchetfish for that tank.

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