Silver Dollars


Fish Fanatic
Aug 23, 2010
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Going out today to grab a few more fish as my tanks looking a little empty still (4ft) at the moment i have..

2 Tinfoil barbs
3 Angel fish
1 silver shark

Im wanting to pick up a few silver dollars along with another few silver sharks and maybe a few clown loaches! would these guys mix with the above?
Going out today to grab a few more fish as my tanks looking a little empty still (4ft) at the moment i have..

2 Tinfoil barbs
3 Angel fish
1 silver shark

Im wanting to pick up a few silver dollars along with another few silver sharks and maybe a few clown loaches! would these guys mix with the above?
Yes silverdollars will do fine with your angel, tinfoil barb, and bala sharks, and clown loaches.
Going out today to grab a few more fish as my tanks looking a little empty still (4ft) at the moment i have..

2 Tinfoil barbs
3 Angel fish
1 silver shark

Im wanting to pick up a few silver dollars along with another few silver sharks and maybe a few clown loaches! would these guys mix with the above?

silver shark needs top go! tank way too smell.
also dollars need friends. i'd suggest 4 in that tank.
barbs can be, snappy. not ideal mates for dollars.

try 4x dollars, 2x gurami and 4 cory.
Thankyou :)

"silver shark needs top go! tank way too smell"

You are kidding right? My silver tinfoil barbs are bigger, ive kept the sharks for a long time with no problems and ive had them in much smaller tanks also with no problems.
Thankyou :)

"silver shark needs top go! tank way too smell"

You are kidding right? My silver tinfoil barbs are bigger, ive kept the sharks for a long time with no problems and ive had them in much smaller tanks also with no problems.

no not kidding! they need 6 foot and need kept in groups of two minimum.
barbs too can grow to 14 inches, so tank too small for then too.

you can do as you wish. but others reading could do with the facts.
For some reason i total missed out the catfish and the large plec we have!
too be honest, from your stocking list, only the angels would be suitable for the vast majority of four foot tanks
too be honest, from your stocking list, only the angels would be suitable for the vast majority of four foot tanks

I agree; a lot of people think that a 4 foot tank is 'large', I'd say it's only 'average'.

It's certainly not big enough for the majority of those fish; not the tinfoil barbs, the silver sharks, the plec if it's a common or gibbiceps or the clown loach.

But it's your tank, you must do as you see fit.

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