they should be kept in groups of 5 atleast, however just like tinfoil barbs, silver dollars are strong and hardy enough to be kept together or in pairs... they are non territorial and very peacful fish.
I disagree I was given 1 red hooked silver dollar when I was 14, it died last year , and I had him as the only silver dollar in my tank and he was perfectly fine... so long as you have plants in the tank and places for it to feel secure it will be fine IME, same goes for tinfoil barbs which I've kept in singles before aswell...
i've got one SD (originally 4) and he's perfectly happy on his own (he's got a distochodus affinis for company). the two of them are always swimming around together, occasionally joined by my leporinus (who does hide in is cave for most of the day). not skittish at all. peaceful but does have a liking for my amazon swords, though
They are happier in groups though, so if someone said they are thinking of buying some and how many should he get (which is pretty much the case here) you wouldn't recommend 1 or 2 would you. They may not be skittish on their own but I guarantee they would be a lot happier in a group of their own kind. That's all I was trying to get across.
oo thx i was thinking of getting 1 aswell ill leave that tho not got nuff room for 5 i was wondring are silver dollars lassed as oddball fish cos i think i read somewher they are if so would hatchet fish also be oddballs as they look kinder the same
I think they are Characins, they are quite closely related to Piranha if I'm not mistaken. Not sure about Hatchet fish though sorry we dont get them for sale around here so I have nebver really bothered.
I saw Silver Dollar Tetras in the store about 8". Silver Dollars Love to Hide. They need to find the perfect hiding spot. If they do not find the perfect hinding spot, they will not hide.
OK then... Silver dollars shoal, they shoal why? For safety in numbers. Without this safety they become skittish and jumpy, they hide more and aren't as active in my experience. Basically to get the best out of them get a shoal.