silver dollars


Spinning around
Oct 25, 2003
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can i stop my silver dollars from touching my plants. if i put i lettuce leaf in once a day or other vegies would that stop them or should i always leave some kind of vegie matter in their for them to nibble at. :unsure:
It's not easy trying to stop fish from doing what comes naturally to them - I've tried telling mine off and giving them the occasional lecture, even telling them to stand in the corner, but my gobi dragons don't take any notice and they still love to make dunes in the substrate and unroot most of my plants. :D I've come to the conclusion - if you don't want your plants eaten - don't get plant eating fish. :nod:
what fish are non-plant eating then?????? :unsure:

i have 2 gouramis and 2 platys who have practically destroyed 2 plants in less than a week... not that i want to get rid of them :( but maybe i'll buy your suggestions when it comes to stocking up our tank :thumbs:

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
Try the smaller fish - neons, mollies, corys - the smaller the fish, the less chance of them ruining the plant decor.
or get a plant they dont like eating - my fish dont touch one of the plants in my tank (an amazon swordplant, or something like that... i think -_- ). they eat the other 3 sorts, but i'm not to fussed cos they were dirt cheap :p (mind you, they dont have roots though, so i think they'll die soon anyway :angry: )

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