Silver Dollars With Mbuna?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2004
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
I'm thinking this wont work, but I'll ask anyway. I have a dillema: There's a 20g tank at my work with two silver dollars (among others). I know that they will outgrow the tank. I also have a 55g Mbuna tank at home, with 3 Cobalt Zebras and 3 Yellow Labs (more soon). My question is can I put the silver dollars in with my Mbuna?

IMO, absolutely not. They'd be ripped apart. Just my opinion though, 'cause I figure silver dollars are just far too peaceful for Mbuna cichlids, know what I mean?
IMO, absolutely not. They'd be ripped apart. Just my opinion though, 'cause I figure silver dollars are just far too peaceful for Mbuna cichlids, know what I mean?

Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm just trying to make sure they're all happy.
they are very quick fish, they stay away from NW cichlids easily in big enough tanks, i would say the main problem is SD's like nice soft acidic water, where as the mbuna will need hard alkali water.

When I first kept Malawi's about 4 years ago I to had a silver dollar with no home, so I put it in with the Mbuna not knowing any better. The water was never a problem, it was well acclimatised to the hard tap water in my area.
However after about 2 weeks ahen I thought all was well, I woke to find it floating, ripped to shreds.
Never have I since added anything but Synodontis and a Bristle nose plec to a cichlid tank.

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