There is no such thing as a tea cup ray, this is just a generic name used by wholesalers and fish stores to name small unidentified rays which later can usually be identified as P.orbygini, P.hysterix or P.laticeps. All these fish grow to have a disc size of at least 16" and require a tank with a width of at least 30".
Only 2 commonly available arowana species can be kept in a 180g and these are Asian and jardini arowana's. Asian arowana are illegal in the US and jardini are very very aggressive and in most cases cannot be kept with any tankmates once they are above 12", there is the odd exception but ask 10 people who have owned jardini's and 9 will tell you that they couldnt keep theirs with fish.
Clown knives grow to at least 24" long so will require a much larger tank than a 180g eventually, unless you know you will be getting a bigger tank then dont buy a clown knife as they are very difficult to re home once they are too large.
As for the tinfoils or SDs id recomend the silver dollars, tinfoil barbs are a menace which will eat every bit of food you put in the tank which will starve your other fish, i know this from experience.