Silver dollars not growing


New Member
May 11, 2004
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How can I grow them bigger? I have 4, 3 inch Silver dollars in a 45 gallon. I've had them for a couple of months and they haven't grown any. I feed them about 5 medium sized pellets each everyday consisting of crushed spirulina discs and sinking shrimp pellets. I change about 20-25% of the water every week. Am I feeding them enough? I don't want to overfeed. Or is my tank too small? I've read that fish grow quicker in larger tanks.
Argenteus said:
How can I grow them bigger? I have 4, 3 inch Silver dollars in a 45 gallon. I've had them for a couple of months and they haven't grown any. I feed them about 5 medium sized pellets each everyday consisting of crushed spirulina discs and sinking shrimp pellets. I change about 20-25% of the water every week. Am I feeding them enough? I don't want to overfeed. Or is my tank too small? I've read that fish grow quicker in larger tanks.

4 inches is not that small... I have four silver dollars in a 100 gallon tank for over a year and they are like 5 inches.... this fish can grow bigger, but they need a bigger tank.... I'm afraid your tank is too small...
You've only had them two months. It's not a race. The maximum size of a fish is a size they reach over their entire lives (they never stop growing) and at 3" their growth has already slowed quite a bit. Just enjoy the fish, and keep in mind overfeeding them to try to force them to grow faster then natural isn't good for the fishes health or the tanks cleanliness.
If you give them a meatier more protein rich diet then they will grow more but silver dollars are fairly slow growing fish anyway in my experience.

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