silver dollars, anyone


Spinning around
Oct 25, 2003
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i hav a 50g planted tank with 1 kissing gourami 2 cory's and 6 golden barbs i would like to add two or three silver dollars to the tank because i think they are just great.

so, i was wandering if there is anyway of stopping them eating my plants, maybe keeping a piece of veg in there all the time or feeding algae wafers

dose anyone one hav experience with them and any ideas about how to stop them? :( -_-
:D hi Ryan,
I am unsure as to how you could divert these beautiful fish from their natural behavior. I love my Silver Dollars and feed them well on fresh greens and algae wafers, but still, they eat every plant I place in their tank! I grow out plants in my large Danio tank, then sacrifice them to my Silver Dollars :D Then I just move the roots back to the Danio tank to allow them to recover :D There are probably plants which they won't eat, but I have none that they dislike. :p
I've got two silver dollars myself. I started growing bulbs in the tank, but they didn't grow to more than an inch before they were eaten away. I have a full-grown plant in there right now, and though they pack at it and some of the leaves are full of holes or have fallen off, the plant is doing ok.

Question: Can the silver dollars eat the algae wafers?
I know this is off the topic, but my silver dollars scoop the wafers up
easily enough, but I'm not sure if they ever succeed in eating it. Do
you guys know if they do because I've got a plectosomus in their and
that disc is meant for him.

Also, I read in a book somewhere that if you place young, tender plants into the aquarium and old and stronger plants in the back, the silver dollars tend to eat the younger plants and not the old. That was out of a book, but I'm not sure of the merit behind it...
Our Silver Dollars do eat the algae wafers. They accomplish this by either grabbing a bite from a wafer being held by another S.D. or pushing the algae wafer against the glass to get a bite. It's great fun to watch the tug of war. :D I feed a whole algae wafer each day to each of our Silver Dollars, they are about 4-5 inches in size.
pondfreak4365 said:
Our Silver Dollars do eat the algae wafers. They accomplish this by either grabbing a bite from a wafer being held by another S.D. or pushing the algae wafer against the glass to get a bite. It's great fun to watch the tug of war. :D I feed a whole algae wafer each day to each of our Silver Dollars, they are about 4-5 inches in size.

Pam... I've read you have several silver dollars and perhaps you have some info about breeding these guys... I want to breed my silver dollars and also my red hooks (almost identical to de silvers) Can you help me?
They shouldn't eat java fern or anubias, but thats about it. I'm not sure that even things like amazon swords would fare with silver dollars around.

Searching the board is a really good idea, it will often get a question answered in a lot less time then typing a new one and waiting for someone to answer it. Bumping threads more then a week or so old is not really. If the original poster is still around, they will probably have got the info they need.
we feed our silver dollars loads of green veg, cucumber, peas, and lettuce, they also eat the algae wafers.
we have quite a few java ferns in the tank, which they don't tend to touch, they did a little when the plants were small, but they (the plants) have grown quite a lot, and appear to be thriving. they do eat the reedy thing in the back though, think it is called vallis or something. but again it isn't too bad anymore (not since we started feeding more veg)

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