Silver Dollar


Fish Herder
Sep 23, 2002
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Help please, one of my silver dollars is starting to lean to the left, about 5 degrees last night and nearer 10 this morning. what should I do to correct this.

He is generally timid and doesnt seem to be upset about it. No time to do readings this am sry but regulary w/c in his mature 10g hex. Drop a few hints here and I'll nip to my lfs on the way home from work :-( :sad:
Hey Andi,

Check water tonight. Abnormal swimming can be down to several causes usually related to water quality problems or intestinal obstruction or a swimbladder infection/disease.

Andi is there any other symptoms? eg. swelling lumps etc.

Not sure but believe antibiotics can be successful for swimbladder disease or you could try medicated flake/food if your lfs has it.

Really need to establish whats wrong first though.

txs www, was on the phone to my lfs today (not so local as I can get to him) and he was thinking along the lines of fishie constepation - maybe a blockage putting pressure on his swim bladder?. On the way home I popped into my local garden centre (lgc? :lol: ) and was greeted by the usual fish knowledge starved 17yr old (don't start on me yet!!).

Anyways, she couldnt help but pushed me (literaly) in the direction of another member of staff. Wow a 17yr old garden centre staff member working in the fish dept that actually talks fishies Not properly armed with readings we discussed my problem whilst walking around the tanks (happy fish,now all clean - no dead fish - and the whole set up looking very professional).

We sort of agreed that my newly widowed golden barb was the fault and was stressing my sd by physically beating him up - I came home with the intention of putting the barb in my birthing bath until the new tank cycles (another story)

Armed with more information than I went in with and some Interpet Swimbladder treatment. I arrived home to find peace in the hex, and the sd was kinda smilling at me almost upright again.

Was planning a 20% water change so shall do that tonight - but won't use the swimbladder treatment unless he gets worse again.

oh, and the hex has Cryosi disease - not had a water reading for months :lol: :lol: :lol:
he was thinking along the lines of fishie constepation - maybe a blockage putting pressure on his swim bladder?.

Can happen especially if fed alot of flake - cut his feeding for a day or so to see if this cure the problem. Though if he seems better then he may well have passed the obstruction.

yes, he seems much better now. He has not touched flake since I was told (in here) he would like courgette - bout 3 weeks ago - apparently herbivours have a different digestive system? just trying them on some lettuce tonight :p
Andi, this could be too obvious, but did you have the light shifted on the tank? SDs are the most noticeable "top to the light" swimmers I have ever seen.
hi gl, I managed to break the light mounting about 6mths ago so it just rests on the evap cover now - its always in the same place tho, oh, and the lights were out when I noticed it. Still not 100% vertical but seems happy enough today (no treatment) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
true gl, too true...

There is a lot of truth in the old addage.....

Ignorance is bliss! :lol: :lol: B)
cryosi disease! never heard of it! hope the s/d is ok by the way

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