I’m currently completing the research project that has become a compulsory subject for all year 12 students in Australia as of 2011. My research project question is “what environment is needed to breed the silver dollar fish”. So I got four silver dollar fish and placed them into a 180L tank and attempted to breed them.
I began to research the fish as a part of my project any found many things which I plan to talk about my research project was a big thing to me as I was the only year 11 attempting to complete it at a year 12 standard so I really took a big step going from being a year 10 last year to doing a year 12 subject this year at first I thought I would struggle but now here I am completing my final product a bio of the silver dollar to post on web 2.0. I thought that putting my information out there would be the best way to present my final product so I will be posting it here soon so I hope you will enjoy.
I began to research the fish as a part of my project any found many things which I plan to talk about my research project was a big thing to me as I was the only year 11 attempting to complete it at a year 12 standard so I really took a big step going from being a year 10 last year to doing a year 12 subject this year at first I thought I would struggle but now here I am completing my final product a bio of the silver dollar to post on web 2.0. I thought that putting my information out there would be the best way to present my final product so I will be posting it here soon so I hope you will enjoy.