Silver Dollar Habitat


Fish Crazy
Sep 17, 2008
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So I have acquired two silver dollars and an angelfish. I do not know how old they are they were my godfather's friend's fish. The friend passed away and the fish were left to the care of her children. They are in a 20 gallon tank living with me(they lived with the friend for years, my godfather said they are atleast 4 years old) with a 2 angelfish (one died with the kids) and a gourami (died with me of old age I assume). One SD(about 3.5-4") is smaller than the other SD(about 5") and looks blind in one eye. I will have to post pictures.

So, I found a 55USG in the alley by my house and I am currently testing it for leaks outside. If all goes well I plan to move them there.

My question is, what should their environment be? I have another 55USG that is planted but I've read silver dollars will tear up plants.
What kind of decorations? Rocks? Wood?
What kind of substrate? I have leftover seachem flourite.
What kind of other fish should I add?

Hi if your doing a 55g tank with them I would make the SD's the main focus of the tank. So yes your current situation - the 20g is a bit small for them but for now it will do but get the 55 up and running when you can. You are very right that they will eat a lot of plants so I would keep them away from your main tank. When you get the bigger tank for them I would add an other 3 or 4 to live with them with a lot of hardscape like wood and rocks etc is the way to go with it.

In a similar way to cichlids I would keep these with dither fish - ie smaller fish that will give them confidence ideally they would be quite slow moving as to avoid spooking the SD's - spotted headstanders would be good tank mates as would cories and hoplos, hatchet fish and maybe even a cichlid would work as a tank mate maybe like some kind of acara?

Thank you for the reply :) They SD are a bit spooky at times. The angelfish with them isn't afraid and can be a bit nippy. Can I add much smaller SD? I only see tiny ones in pet stores. I'm going to try to stay away from plants as I don't want to start an algae population. I tried java fern but they at it down to a stub hehe. I have mopani wood I can place in there.
What can I feed them? Spinach and flake food and blood worms?
I've always liked cories. Would a sandy subtrate do? Would adding a pleco be a bad idea?

Also, how can I safely clean the tank? I filled it with water and added a little bleach. I will add dechlorinator and let it dry but what can I do to remove the crusty calcium?
If the calcium is really bad just try and scrub it best you can or use a little vinegar but make sure you give it a good wash off. The vinegar is acidic and the calcium is alkaline so it removes it but if its left in the tank it can mess with your Ph quite badly.

Angelfish should be fine to stay, and smaller SDs would be fine but try and find as large as you can :) Cories would be good tank mates and so would smaller species of pleco but not commons or gibbiceps as they need huge tanks but a bristlenose or nice L number would work - I really like whiptail catfish at the moment some really nice fish in those species :)

Mopani wood would be fine but make sure there is quite a bit of it with decent height though obviously room to swim as silver dollars dont do great in open tanks they are quite skittish.

This is how they look

I think I might get some cories and a few more SD.
Thank you for your help :)
Ah right cool :) they are going to be so much better in the 55 gallon hows it going with the water tightness of the one you found? The angel looks pretty nice as well :)

So far it seems to be holding up. Haven't noticed any cracks or leaks. I found the manufacture date sticker, it says 1992. Should still be good right?

1992 so what 18 years thats a pretty old tank not sure how long silicone lasts maybe post a question in the hardware section?


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