Silver dollar emergency


Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2022
Reaction score
Panhandle of florida
I had a group of sil wr dollars for about 18 months now. They have seemed to be great. But I looked over an hour ago and one of them was just bobbing around in the tank. I have moved him/her to ab isolation tank.
75 gallon tank with a marine and 360 canister filter

Ph. 7
Amm. 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10ppm
I will post pic
His tank mated are a connon pleco.
Turquoise severumn
Gold severumn
Electric blue acara and 2nd other silver dollars.
His eyes seem fixed and he does try to swim every once in awhile.


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When any fish goes belly up like that it never turns out good . You say you’ve had him for 18 months and he probably should live longer than that but sometimes aquarium fish die for no explainable reason at all . It’s a phenomenon called “Sudden Unexplained Fish Death” and it is a real thing . Wish I could tell you more .
Unfortunately can’t tell on the basis of info available. Perhaps it became spooked and crashed hard against the wall?
Important to maintain good observation about anything off with the other ones. And to maintain the absolutely best water quality possible in both tanks until more evidence shows off or the fish recovers or dies. Good luck!
Unfortunately can’t tell on the basis of info available. Perhaps it became spooked and crashed hard against the wall?
Important to maintain good observation about anything off with the other ones. And to maintain the absolutely best water quality possible in both tanks until more evidence shows off or the fish recovers or dies. Good luck!
I just caught another one starting to donthe Same thing. My wife then informed me she cleaned the filter last night and put 3 capfuls of stresscoat+ I'm the canister filter. ( enough for 60 gallons of water)
The first S.D is starting to come back around since being in isolation tank Sonim thinking oxygen depletion. I'm doing 50% water change right now
Good it is now clear it is a water problem. Clean water may be all is needed but a close eye to any other issues continues to be necessary. Good luck!
I like prime - reliable but over priced. It is good for neutralizing small amounts of nitrite and ammonia esp if a cycle issue happens. My understanding safe (much cheaper) doesn't have the added benefit but who knows.
I like prime - reliable but over priced. It is good for neutralizing small amounts of nitrite and ammonia esp if a cycle issue happens. My understanding safe (much cheaper) doesn't have the added benefit but who knows.
It was an oxygen problem. All S.D's were 100% within 48 hrs. We normally use Prime.
It is our go to for water change. We only really use stress coat when We have to move fish ( Stressed) or if they have injuries.
I am postimg another thread. I think I might have a fluke problem now. I'll be posting pick and would really like your opinion.
Title will be a simple.....Flukes????
The best water conditioner to use is the one that only deals with what needs dealing with. Most of us have chlorine or chloramine, so that is #1 and all conditioners (so far as I know) deal with these. Beyond that, you may not need anything. Heavy Metals are handled by most conditioners, and that is fine. Legal levels of copper for example, which is a heavy metal, that are safe for humans would kill fish. So detoxifying heavy metals is basic. But that is where I would draw the line.

As soon as you get into conditions with more chemicals, you are increasing the difficult for fish. Any chemical or natural substance (like aloe vera) added to conditioners like StressCoat are bad--yes, bad--for fish. Aloe vera has been shown to harm fish gills. The so-called "stress" restorer is a myth, as studies have proven. Clean water helps fish, not chemical soups.

I will not use Prime because of what it does, things that should not be done. It detoxifies heavy metals using some chemical that prohibits the plants from taking up those nutrients--and iron, copper, zinc and manganese are heavy metals and are plant nutrients. API's Tap Water Conditioner does not use this chemical, so right off it is far superior. I could go on, but won't. There seem to be a lot of people with shares in Seachem that do not look at what these things actually do.

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