Silver Dollar And The Rest Ok


Fish Fanatic
Nov 7, 2010
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Hi guys, (Athena, Biffster, Pirate Monkey and everybody who tried to help me:), here is newbe Lucc;-).
The biggest silver dollar is doing fine, all 10 harlequins are thriving, all 5 male punteus titteyas are well - as if nothing happend at all and 2 boitas. m. are also well and thriving. The loss of the "Silver dollar crisis":
2 silver dollars and 3 punteus titt. (females) - perished
I have learned a lesson here:
1. is never take out the filter system out of water when changing water or cleaning filter system(I put the sponge back in the water immediately - wasn´t doing that in last monthes)
2. check water when fish are not acting like themselves
3. bought nitrate, nitrite, etc. tester (only the strips so far) and have to buy
one for amonium too and check water regularly
4. keep changing water even if it means every day or even twice a day till the
readings and fish are OK.
The remaining silver dollar always wanted his peace and never liked when in the evening the others were coming to him and disturbing him so he doesn´t seem to suffer now he is alone... He panickes much less, as before they were often panicking eachother. And he loves our company even more, he likes to go now more to the side of the tank where we are sitting - it´s very cute(either front or side of the tank - depending where we are sitting).

Just two questiones, I have a plant floating now above the place where he(silver dollar) likes to rest, It´s not very tasty kind of plant (so he doesn´t destroy it - but have other tasty plant in tank he can nibble on if he wants) and yesterday I saw nibble/pushing it and I´am wondering is it maybe annoying him there? Shall I put it away? The second question is: I have heard that fish will be totally fine
when going on 7 day holliday without food, is it true? (I have 1 sillver dollar, 10
harlequins, 5 punteus titt. (all 10 and half months since I got them, 2 botias 4 month since I got them). Will they b ok? I heard the vacation food is questionable anyway. All the best and thanks Lucc.

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