Silver Distichodus


Fish Crazy
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Cambridge, England
I aquired two, not fully grown Distichodus Affinis, a couple of weeks ago. This morning, my congo tetras seemed very nervous and on closer inspection noticed their tails looked as if something had taken bites out of them. The gouramis too have less than perfect tails now. I did read up on these fish, and although they like to eat the plants, I thought they were a supposed to be peaceful. Does anyone know if this is normal? They do have vegetation to nibble, also cucumber along with normal feeding. Thanks.
Thanks for that, though disappointing. Looks like they are going to have to go. Trouble is no-one seems to have heard of them, so it seems I might have a problem selling them! Lets hope my other fish survive another night. I have got a cycled 17litre tank I could remove them to for now, but I think it's a bit small. Oh well, fingers crossed they don't get too bored tonight.

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