Silver arowana help


New Member
Nov 21, 2004
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Well, i just purchased 2 silver arowanas. they were fine in the tank the first night, but in the second night htye started fighting... one of them got injured and the other one is fine, the thing is.. they stopped swimming arond the tank but just stay in one are on top of the water.. any advice on whats going on with them? thanks
guys.. i really need help on this one.. if not then im gonna give the fish back to the store and see what htey can do for me. i prefer to restore them myself so i can learn instead of going abck and forth like an idiot
You'll get a lot more help from CFC when he comes online, but he's probably sleeping :lol: so i'll help you as much as i can....

Firstly, i don't believe any arowanas can share the same tank, they are quite territorial and need a lot of room, the reason they were fighting, a full grown silver arowana needs a tank of at least 350 gallons (US), and thats for the one fish! So i would say they are a fish to stick away from full stot, returning them both would be best unless you actually have a tank that size :nod: in that case you should return the one....

What else do you have them with? and how big is your tank?
As Doggfather has said silver arowanas are BIG and territorial, a minimum of a 8x3x2' tank is need just to keep one and to keep more than one arowana without them killing each other you will need a huge tank and a minimum of 4 arowanas, 5 seems to be the preffered number for people who keep mulitiple arowanas.
I suggest returning one or both arowanas to the store they were bought from.
krazyandy said:
Well, i just purchased 2 silver arowanas. they were fine in the tank the first night, but in the second night htye started fighting... one of them got injured and the other one is fine, the thing is.. they stopped swimming arond the tank but just stay in one are on top of the water.. any advice on whats going on with them? thanks

Doggfather is quite right that Arowana's are territorial fish. But if proper attention is given, they are gentle as a Cat.

the only option you can do are....

#1) either you separate both Silver Arowana...

#2) or you buy 3 more silver arowana...

You cannot keep 2 to 3 to 4 arowana in one tank. But you can keep a minimum of 5 to 9 arowana's in a tank. Depending on your tank size.

if your tank is small, I would suggest you add a few filter, like an internal power filter, an overhead power filter and maybe a sponge filter.

Also you must do a 30% water changed everyday, if you have 5 arowana's in a tank. 15% in the morning and 15% in the evening...before you sleep.

and remember the Ph must be around 6. ;)

woudl that explain why they arent eating also? they've stopped swimming and just sit around in the top of the tank..

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