Silly Things Your Betta Does.


Sep 23, 2005
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Vancouver Island, BC
What are some of the silly things your betta does?

If I dip my finger in my CT males tank, he will rush over and begin to flare like a mad man, I always have to pull it out quick because I keep thinking he'll attack my finger or something. When I dip my finger in my female CTs tank she'll swim over slowly and begin to swim in a circle around the tip of my finger. Both are quite funny sometimes. :p
My boy Finley at the site of a pea will come to the top, then when I stick my finger in he bites me and thrashes around like a shark eating its prey. It used to scare the crap out of me, but now I just laugh. Another one of my boys Odie does this thing where he tries to wedge himself between the smallest things.... he does this mostly between his plant and the front of the tank, he struggles and struggles til he finally makes it, then does it again. Sooo weird. :wub:
i feed all mine with tweezers so there is no food waste, and as soon as my vt jack sees them coming he literally starts jumping up and down in the water, he is so greedy.
my dtpk always sits watching me on the pc and when i set my coffee down on the desk he sits wagging and flaring at it.
and at the minute all my girls are lining up to take turns on the filter outlet :lol:
My Sharkbait does that too! :wub: When he sees me coming he knows it's dinner time and I swear he is just like a puppy! His whole body quivers, and shakes, and he jumps up and down. I swear if he had a tail instead of a fin, it would be wagging! :wub:
Mine betta usually bite me, especially Amphitrite. They all dance for their food. Poseidon always usually comes when called and stared at whoever calles him.
When i had a couple of mine on the desk next to the computer in the warmet months, they used to flare at the piccies of betta i was looking at!
When I had a filter in my 2.5g one of my bettas would try and swim into the output part of it and would fight against the current and bite the filter cartridge and would back off as some waster came off it then he would do it again. :lol:
When spncer and simplicity are hungry they do a sweet little gig that is so adorable....and spencer along with his gigs after he eats he does maybe victory laps around his bowl! they are tooooo cute!

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