Silly, Silly Betta!


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I walked into my kitchen, and about had a heartattack...Dogma was nose down in his bowl :crazy: , and was just a little flared...I thought he was sick :sick: ...or even worse. :( :-(

But at closer examination :X , I noticed he was staring at something in the bottom of his bowl :*) :blink: ...yesterday I had put in a few glass stones, and he was staring at his reflection in the stones :rolleyes: :p ...he's so vain! :lol: :wub:
dixaisy930 said:
I walked into my kitchen, and about had a heartattack...Dogma was nose down in his bowl :crazy: , and was just a little flared...I thought he was sick :sick: ...or even worse. :( :-(

But at closer examination :X , I noticed he was staring at something in the bottom of his bowl :*) :blink: ...yesterday I had put in a few glass stones, and he was staring at his reflection in the stones :rolleyes: :p ...he's so vain! :lol: :wub:
Oh jeez, that's hilarious!! My Beta buries himself (erm, Little Blue that is) under his glass stones. It's so funny. He tries to ambush Firefly who is seperated from him in a triple hex tank by bursting from the rocks and flaring up like he's all that....In reality he's really TINY in comparison!!! :lol: FireFly is about 5 to 6 inches and Little Blue is about 3 inches. :lol: :X

:p :D LoL as I was reading that thread i nearly had a heart attack myself ;) glad to know its nothign serious ne ways besides that LOL!!! ;) :D :p

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