Silly Peal Danios!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2006
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I just got 8 pearl danios and they are a hoot! Their favorite pasttime is diving headfish into the bubbles from my bubblebar and doing loop de loops!!!
Here's a pic

really nice picture! i have zebra danios and they never keep still long enough for me to get a decent picture.
you must have the patience of a saint and a really good camera! :good:
They'll probably stop the loop de loops - once they've settled in - but they're still lovely active fish.
And like supersuzie said - great photo. I've not had much luck getting a good picture of mine either!
Thank you for the compliment! I was really photographing my catfish and actually got a good picture of one of the speed demon danios! Last night I did a water change, though, and it really freaked out my danios. One actually jumped out of the water when I approached (it landed safely-don't worry).

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