Silly Fish


Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
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Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
As I posted in the catfish section, my bnoses laid eggs again...well...I got home from work yesterday to discovered they had hatched....well...there were clear "empty" shells in the tank and bright orange balls with clear bnose fry I was excited naturally...

About 1/2 hour later I was wondering where my 2 large platy fry had gone (3 and 4 months of age respectively)...there they were...busy devouring the yolk sacs and attached new fry :no: ... they were promptly scared off by my male bnose...afterwards they were spending a lot of time at the top of the tank with BIG bloated bellies....I didn't think too much of it until the younger one kept going upside down and the older one unable to swim at all. I promptly removed both of them into the quarantine tank (with salt) where they both seemed to pick up a bit....

And then the younger of the two started having what looked like convulsions...around the then retreated to the top of the tank behind the filter where it would occasionally swim if another fish neared it...

This morning when I woke had died... :byebye: ...and I think the main reason was that it ate too much bnose fry with attached yolk sac. The elder of the 2 platy "not so" OK now..swimming normally and eating etc.

Has anyone else heard of anything like this happening? Could it be possible that the yolk sacs they are contained too much protein for the platy fry to handle?

Also, when I retrieved the body from the tank, the fish was attached to the filter and it seemed like its stomach had almost imploded (was damaged but sunken in kind of)...

Hoping someone can shed some light on this....
I'm not sure they can digest the yolk sacs.... but I only expect that, someone with more knowhow can correct me :thumbs:

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