Silicone sealant - strong stuff.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 13, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
I've often wondered how on earth it is possible to glue together the sides of an aquarium so that they can withstand the emense pressure of the water. In large aquariums it seems amazing enough that the glass doesn't break, but even more amazing that the panes of glass aren't separated from each other by the force when there is just maybe 10mm of area along the length to glue...

What is used to fix them? Is it just glue / sealant ?
If my memory serves me correctly, they use silicon glue. The same kind used to glue PVC pipes together.

Aquariums are held together by AQUARIUM silicone and NOt industrial silicone as this may harm fish. the sides are sealed but there is also brace bars and strengthening straps running the full length of the aquarium to hold it all together.

p.s. brace bars/straps arn't needed on small tanks.

Aquarium silicon must be one wayyyyyyy strong sticking stuff!!

p.s. brace bars/straps arn't needed on small tanks.

What qualifies as large? I dont remember seeing such things... unless they are hidden...
I'd say that anything 10 gallon or less with a depth of 12" or less would be ok with out them.

So, umm... you mean that they use industrial silicone for pipes????

not quite sure what you mean FT.

ste :)
well, ste, you said that there is industrial silicone and aquarium silicone. Silicone glue is used to attach PVC pipes together, to supply tap water. Does this mean the pipes we use are attached with industrial silicone?

I would think so as industrial silicone won't harm us like it does fish.

ste :)
PVC pipes are welded together. The same sort of principals used for acrylic tanks.

Glass tanks amaze me too. Sure seem like an accident waiting to happen.
sorry didn't see PVC (me trying to read too quickly again :X ) but yes, like greatlakes said, pvc pipe use pipe weld/solvent cement.

ste :)

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