silicone hose???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
curious if any of you guys have tried silicone hose... not air line, but hose, for filling or water changes... I'm currently using some 1/2 inch, as fill hose from my pumped RO holding tank... been using it for over a year now, or at least as long as I've been doing RO... I find it much more flexible, and easier to work with around from tank to tank in my group... I'm setting up a pumped water change suction line... the positive pressure, from the pump to the drain, will be the same fiber reinforced food grade vinyl, that I bought a big roll of to pump RO to the tank on the other side of the house, but I'm considering another chunk of silicone hose to go to the center above my group of tanks, to move from tank to tank, and if that seems to handle the suction ok, I'll use it for the gravel vacuum attachment, that will follow... I just like how easy it is to handle in high movement areas, over the normal vinyl... anyone else using it???
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I tried some a ways back and found that for me it collapsed over edges too easily, making it hard to maintain a decent flow. Couldn't tell you the diameter used it would have been at least 1/2" but I think it was closer to 5/8ths.
Both my utility sink in the fish space and my decently powered pumps all have garden hose connections. I use drinking water hose 5/8 or 3/4 inch ID. I cut off the metal connections and replace them with plastic since I do not want the metal ends sitting in the water.

In the fish space, if I want, I can connect my refill hose directly to the tap and the fill directly. I have well water and do not use dechlor. I always use water at temperature no matter how I do the refill. I normally only refill directly into tanks with no fish it it is a big water change. I do this because the well water comes out of the tap with excess dissolved CO2. I normally load up large rubbermaid garbage cans and then refill from them. I also fill some 5 gal. buckets which I pour into the big can as I work.

I do the refills in such a way as the water gets well agitated and thus very well oxygenated before it goes into most tanks.

Also, when I refill I use one of two methods. For smaller tanks I have this on the output end:

For my 75s, the 125 and 150 I use this from Python. They call it the Hook:

For the both above I add a ball valve for flow control.

I have over 100 feet of hose (in multiple lengths). I often bring it with me when I would be in the vendor room at weekend events. SOme do not supply a hose for filling and none have one for emptying. I also have a few assorted length python hoses which are used only for emptying tanks using asmaller pump that for refills. I do not use a Python for vacuuming.
Yep, been using it for about two years now. What I purchased is used by brewers. I use it to transfer water from my holding tanks. I use clamps to control the flow. System works great.
How does the hose in question relate to the hose sold as part of the python systems? I've that very pliable and long lasting although it did sometimes kink.
I've never used a Python, as it's based around using tap water, and mines too hard to use... but that might be interesting from a component point of view... I find most of the parts I'm sourcing are home brew components
I'm looking at it in reverse - python hose is expensive and I'll take a run to a home brewing store to compare. I'm using a drinking water quality garden hose to refill now, but it isn't very flexible. My brother in law owns a brew pub, and both my nephew and my niece are working brewers there. It might be interesting to drop by and have a look at what they use there, although they are on a different scale than when I used to brew bitter and Belgian style ales in 5 gallon set ups.

Water changing and refilling have to be fast and easy or they ruin the fun. People shouldn't lug buckets when for a worthwhile price they can make it all very easy.

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