Silicone glues/sealants


New Member
Jul 14, 2003
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Hi there
I am shortly going to be setting up a tank for malawi cichlids and want some advice on the best silicone glues to use for bonding rocks and slate...will any old silicone sealant from the local hardware store do or does it have to be a special kind for use in the aquarium?
Thanks in advance.
You will want aquarium safe silicon. I guess others can leak hamful chemicals. Most of them even say not recommended for aquariums. It sucks because a 3oz. tube here is like 7 bucks. I am buying my silicon from Big Al's from now on when I buy my replacement filters from them. They do have big tubes of aquarium safe silicon you can put in those sealer guns too. Don't know where you can get some besides a fish store at a unreal price, besides the internet. You should call around to some of your lumber stores, hardware stores and such. I use silicon to make slate caves and put gravel on PVC and attach other rocks to make caves too. It works good. Sometimes you have to sit there for 10 minutes though, just holding a piece waiting for the silicon to toughen up and you need to wait 48 hours before adding water or submersing the silicon in water. Good luck.
I believe if the container says 100% silicone, you are safe. That is what I heard, at least. When I did my caves, though, I DID use aquarium safe silicone. That stuff IS wayy expensive.
If it says 100% silicon you are good to go. Make sure its the clear stuff, and not the kind for windows or bathrooms. I used 100% silicon from the hardware store for my DIY cave. Costs $4 compared to 7.99 for the aquarium one at the lfs. And you get twice as much. It says not recommended for aquariums just to cover their rears.
Got the silicone and began to create my rock formations...seems to be holding well so far. Just got to put them in the tank tonight and start the cycle...getting excited now...
Just another query though. I have heard different reports about how strong the flow should be in a malawi tank; some say very strong others say almost still. Can anyone help me out?
well as the tank isn't even set up yet, i am open to suggestions...
I was thinking along the lines of zebra varieties, my LFS has some lovely juveniles in at the moment.

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