Silent pumps?


New Member
Sep 30, 2003
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Can anyone tell me whether there is actually such a thing as a silent pump? I've only got a small 'Sonic Silent Powerful 9901' and it's hardly silent! Are there any particular makes that I should look out for? Thanks!
the fact is, there is no such thing as a silent pump. you may get extreemly quiet onesbut not silent. this is because the pump hase moving parts which vibrate. causing noise. the more thevibration is reduced, the more the noise is reduced.
Thanks Guys. In that case what is the quietest pump out there? And I only need a really small one. Cheers.
My pump is pretty silent anyway. But you can buy pump silencers. its like a thick foam that goes over it.
>>> a silent pump

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is an air pump isn't it?
Thanks Eelzor - foam silencers sound good. I can't find any at the moment - do you know of a source for these in the UK?
I don't know if they are in UK (of course, i haven't been there). They way I found out mine is I saw it in an advertisement, and it was there. The pump silencers are different sizes and I think you may have to buy a specific pump, then the foam disigned for that pump. Anyway, if I find a site on it ill let you know.
If thats an air pump youre talking about theres something I read elsewhere you can do. Wrap the pump in a tea towel or something simular and put it in a jar. Drill a hole in the lid just big enough to fit the airtube and powercord through. Then cut the lid in half using a hacksaw and then glue the two pieces of the lids back together after you put the cords through. Screw the lid back on and Bobs your uncle. Guarranteed to silence the lambs, er I mean noisiest pumps.
Thanks everyone! I'm going to give the jam jar idea a go - a good excuse to buy a massive pot of jam!

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