Signs of ill health in ancistrus

Rob 28

Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Bought 3 ancistrus last week. One died overnight so i took it back to the lfs and they gave me another.

Two of them have been swimming about apparently happy as can be the last couple of days. They didnt at first - they took some days to have the confidence to come out and about rather than hiding at the back of the tank.

One though, still hides at the back at the water surface on the filter just by the airflow pipe. Is he just an extra 'shy' individual that is perfectly healthy or could he be ill ? Havnt' seen it eating or swimming about but with the one that died - that sat at the very bottom and had a swollen belly - this one i would have thought is healthy if it can stay suckered at the top near the strong waer flow ?

Any thoughts ? Would get to me to lose another one.

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