
Marine Moderator
Jun 11, 2004
Reaction score
These rules have been placed in the main part of this forum but I knw alot of people rarely venture outo f the marine section and may not be aware of this Rule.

I have posted the rules governing signatures here and would ask all that read this to ensure that their signatures comply with the rules set by the forum.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Due the excessive space taken up by some signatures we have come to the decission to limit signatures to just 5 lines of standard sized text or one picture/gif (maximum size of 100k AND 400x300 pixels) and 2 lines of text, large text should be treated as a picture and limited to 2 lines. If your signature exceeds this please alter it to within the new guidelines ASAP. Failure to amend signatures will result in moderator edits.
Information regarding fish stocks and tank specs can be placed in the section provided for this in your personal profiles.

For those with large pictures they wish to keep this site may be able to help with reformating them to a suitable size without loss of quality.

We are sorry for any inconvienience this may cause but of late signatures have become increasingly large and action has had to have been taken to rectify this.

Thanks, the moderating team
If you want them in your sig.

I would suggest a link to a site or to your profile, where you can place your stocking info.
Will step her down as soon as I can get my desk top working. Can't edit it from this laptop. Man, I just had a great hamburger and have desided to take this time to tell you all about. Better get comfortable this is going to take a wile. OOOO Some old Burt Renolds show is on, got to go...... it really was a good hambuger!
good thing you posted that, as I did not know.
I was five lines over!
Apparently there's a problem if you list your tank stats, etc. in a nicely presented form less than 400x300 pixels and under 100kb to post on here from a remote host as it's over 5 lines (?) so don't do it. Instead put a URL link to the image on the remote host and just extrapolate the whole business of trying to view it.

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