Sigh Kole Tang With White Spot.


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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Argh :shout: not only do my clown fish have some disease which i have yet to figure out but my kole tang appears to have white spot and so will have to be put in another hospital tank and treated with cupramine.

Should i treat the clowns for ich even though there in a different tank as they will eventually end up in the same DT. I don't want to have my DT in fallow for 2 months just to add the clowns and reintroduce ich. Is it possible for fish to carry ich without showing any of the signs of it.

Should new fish be put through copper or hypo treatment to insure they don't bring ich back into my tank or if during quarantine they show no signs of ich are they clear ?

Also do you guys quarantine everything for 6-8 weeks as surely ich could come in on a coral or snail during free swimming stage ?

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