Sifter Fish


Fish Crazy
May 19, 2010
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Well recently decided on the switch from gravel to sand and plan on doing so later this week. My local aquarist told me sifter fish are helpful towards the bottom of the tank in sand aquariums so harmful chemicals dont build up in the sand and waste is distributed upwards into filter. I currently have a BN pleco but I want to get other bottom fish as well. Was considering getting a small group of 4-5 peppered or emerald cory but any other suggestions for my tank?

Current stock in 25 gal/90 L

1 Angel (Will be rehomed in a few weeks)
1 Rainbow Shark
2 Gouramis
1 BN Pleco
Maybe someone else can back me up on this (since I'm no expert) but there's a chance that adding more bottom feeders will turn out badly for you. Of course, this all depends on the size and temperment of your rainbow shark. I have a 174 litre tank and my rainbow shark thinks the whole of the lower section of the tank belongs to him. He tries to bully any other fish that comes to his level and good luck to them if they dart away (he LOVES the chase!). It might work out if your tank is planted enough and has many hiding places. Wait to see what suggestions the others give you.
Has mentioned above rainbow sharks are very territory in the lower half of the tank,corys being gently souls may be hounded and bullied by it...

Perhaps loaches would be a better choice?

Corys do dig away in the sand,but the best way is to give the sand a stir to release air pockets that form underneath every so often.the waste settles on the sand anyway and having a good filter the pushes debris towards the inlet is the best way to go :)
thanks guys, I've had rainbow sharks with corys before and no aggressiveness was really shown. My rainbow really prefers to be swimming in the mid to upper half on the tank and occassionaly nip the bottom. If it does become a problem tho I will give away the shark, but atm I'm wondering what other bottom feeders to consider.
90L is too small for a rainbow shark imo, i'll hold my hands up - i had one in mine for a little while.
It got aggressive during feeding and lights out.

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