sickness after birth


New Member
Nov 2, 2002
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I've been keeping fish for a couple of years. I have a 55gal, a 5 gal hospital tank, a 10 gal fry/birthing tank, and a 10 gal oranda tank. The 55gal has all livebearers with a few very healthy black-skirt tetras.

I've always had a problem with keeping females alive after birth. Usually, but not always, they wind up having trouble holding up the back part of their body. It's like their tail is too heavy. I've tried keeping them in the fry tank for up to a few weeks, thinking the small tank size and lack of males would be less stressful. (The tank is heavily planted-few eaten fry) I've tried moving them right away. I've also tried adding Melafix. All my tanks are saltedNot much success no matter which way I try.

Any tips? How do other people keep their females alive??
It sounds like they're getting post-birth infections. Assuming your water parameters are all good, I'm wondering what else could lead to the problem.

How are they eating? Are they having trouble getting appropriate nutrition when heavily pregnant? In mammals, malnutrition in pregnancy can lead to birth complications and death. I'd ensure their diet is as good as possible, and that they have easy access to food.
well you said that you have a hospital tank? well maybe try putting them in that tank. i had a few females die after giving birth, i thought it was weird.
yah try what alien anna said try giving her healthy food like blood worms and shrimp, and make sure their is veggys in their diet. i hope this helps for you :D

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