

New Member
Apr 21, 2005
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My female betta currently has fungus and an odd sort of growth on her body. When I got her a month or so back she was the healthiest female I could find in the store. After a week maybe she started to grow and I noticed a white dot on her forehead. It didn't seem to be harming her and she didn't seem to mind it. Now after a month it has grown. It bulges out like a bubble, it is soft and white.

Four more of these spots have also started to grow on her body AFTER SHE GOT FUNGUS.

Her appetite hasn't suffered and she's as perky as ever. She acts like everything is all right with her.

I have been medicating her for the fungus, though the medicine is not working. I hope to get a new medicine for the fungus but I need to know what these white bubbles are on her body. My sister and her friend said it looked like a mutated form of ick but if it were ick I think she would be dead by now with no medication for it.

Unfortunately I don't have a photo at this time.
I'm not positive but she's had that white dot for over a month and it hasn't killed her or spread until now. I think the fungus might've lowered her imune system or something and made the dots begin to spread.

(I haven't medicated her until now because I didn't think it was anything to worry about till now)
What are you using to treat it and what were you thinking of switching it to? Is she in a tank by herself?
After she got fungus I moved my male Carnation out of the duel tank so he wouldn't get fungus. He has no white dots and no fungus.

Right now I'm using Tank Buddies' Fungus Clear (Jungle brand). Its supposed to get rid of bacterias and fungus but its not working so I was going to try something my sisters friend suggested. Metholane blue or something. I was going to go with her so I'm not sure on its name.

Also. I don't believe she can feel the dots. I took a toothpick and touched the dot lightly. She didn't notice. Then when I brushed the top of her head she jerked away.
Well if no one knows what it is does anyone know of a really good medicine for a variety of illnesses?
Does she have body fungus or true fungus? Body fungus is not actually fungal, and grows anywhere, not just on wounds. Its kindof a stringy or fuzzy greyish-white material. True fungus usually growns on injuries and is very white and fluffy. I know Mardel(I think?) makes a medication for this, and its pretty easy to dose.

The growing white dots almost sound like pustules. Are they... squishy? You said they were rounded, but do they kindof remind you of a zit rather than a grain of salt (that'd be Ick)?

I think your best bet until you find what works would be
- Adding aquarium salt (NOT table or marine salt)
- Raising the temp to 82
- Keeping the lights off so she rests
- Feeding a high quality diet of live or frozen food
- Reducing filter current if it seems to be a stressor
- Increasing frequency of water changes
Does she have body fungus or true fungus?
She has body fungus.

- Adding aquarium salt (NOT table or marine salt)
- Raising the temp to 82
- Keeping the lights off so she rests
- Feeding a high quality diet of live or frozen food
- Reducing filter current if it seems to be a stressor
- Increasing frequency of water changes

She already gets aquarium salt and eats black worms. She has no filter so I change her water every day. I can put her in my room or cover her tank for the darkness but I can't do much for the temperature (no heating pad at the moment)

The growing white dots almost sound like pustules. Are they... squishy? You said they were rounded, but do they kindof remind you of a zit rather than a grain of salt (that'd be Ick)?
That's exactly what they look like, they're squishy and white. My sisters friend was joking around with that idea.

Thanks for the info.
Okay I'm kind of afraid to ask but... What exactly do postules do? Are they treatable?
Well, it might be worth while to invest in a small aquarium heater; inconsistent temperatures can threaten a fish's immunity, especially if they are getting too cold. Do you have a thermometer strip on her tank so see what it is currently at? What size tank is she in? There are some great heaters for tanks sized 2-5 gallons.

As for pustules, providing fish actually get them, (I don't see why not), they are simply little pockets of infection and dead white blood cells (pus) underneath the surface of the skin. So, she might have an infection to go with the fungus. I suppose it is also possible she could have parasites under the skin causing the formation of pustules?
Do you have a thermometer strip on her tank so see what it is currently at? What size tank is she in? There are some great heaters for tanks sized 2-5 gallons.

Right now she's in one of those duel betta hexes alone. I don't get paid allowence so I didn't have alot of money or room to get her anything bigger. As for the thermometer... It had an accident.

As for pustules, providing fish actually get them, (I don't see why not), they are simply little pockets of infection and dead white blood cells (pus) underneath the surface of the skin. So, she might have an infection to go with the fungus. I suppose it is also possible she could have parasites under the skin causing the formation of pustules?

I wouldn't be sure if she had parasites. As I said she acts like its nothing and they don't seem to do much to her.

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