sick yellow tang


New Member
Sep 1, 2005
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Hello there,
new to the marine world, having looked after a freshwater tropical tank successfully for many years, and would appreciate any advise on the following.
A 65 gallon marine tank, recently (2 weeks) set up after moving it and fish from
a friend's house. It has 2 yellow tangs and 2 common clowns. One
of the yellow tangs has developed what seems to be a swim bladder problem,
lays flat on substrate, occasionally flapping around, no signs of disease or
fin damage (yet), ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels all very low, pH
rather high (8.8), as is salinity (1.027).
Any ideas? Could the pH and salinity be responsible, they are
very similar to that measured before the move. Many thanks in advance!
you say ammonia and nitrite are very low. do you mean low levels or 0?

if you have any levels what so ever do water changes until they sort it out.

your SG might be better at 1.025-1.026
Your parameters sound way off.....hence sick fish. SG is too high. Ammonia and nitrite should be 0. pH is ???? 8.8. Better start changing out that water. I'd do a 25% water change and every other 10% until you can post some numbers here and let us know what is happening. SH

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