Sick Yellow Lab.


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Macclesfield (UK)
Hi all,

My yellow lab ( cichlid ) has not been well for a few days, not eating and hiding away. Thought she was pregnant but, this mornig she was lay at the bottom of the tank.
Just got home from work and she is a LOT worse, lay on a rock, barely breathing and not swimming AT ALL. The other fish are pushing her about and having a nibble at her.

What can i do to releive her pain and suffering?

I now it isnt a nice topic but surely it is better than leaving her to suffer at the hands of the other tank mates!!!
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Need to rule out bad water quality first.
Some of the symtoms are pointing towards bacterial.
200 litres
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
pH 8.2

Yellow Labs 1male 3 female
Cyno Afra white top 3 male 1 female

Tank has been up and running for 10 months. All the stats have been the same since day 1. Change 50litres once a week.

Unfortunately the female Lab has just died!!!!

All other occupants seem fit and healthy.
2 yellow labs holding and 7 babies swimming about in the open.
Is your tap nitrate reading 0 do you have live plants. It's rare to have a nitrate reading of 0.
Bless Her. R.I.P.
I would just do some water changes in the next few days on your tank, just to be on the safe side.
It's pointed toward abit towards a bacterial infection.
Signs of bacterial infections with no symtoms are being pale or darker in colour, being listless and lethagic, laying to oneside, and floating to the bottom of the tank. Resting on things in the tank.
Nitrate 40,

sorry about that, had a bad day!!
Your diagnosis seems spot on,
She went darker than usual, this normaly happens when she is holding, hence why i thought she was pregnant.
Sinking to bottom-Yes
Not eating-Yes
Laying to oneside-Yes
She spent most of the afternoon resting on a rock.
Only way i could move her was to push with my finger and even then she wouldnt swim off.

Did a large water change today and will do smaller ones over the next couple of days.

Do you think this will solve the problem? without having to use any meds.

Will obviously keep my eye on the rest of them.
Thanks again for all the help and advice.
Was she an old fish.
If all other fish look healthy and acting normally I wouldn't add a med just yet.
Water changes for now.
She didn't sound good bless her.
Once you notice symtoms it usually to late.
She was only about an inch long when i bought her and grew to about 2 inches.

Will do 25% water changes over next couple of days.

To be honest i think it was just one of those things, unfortunately.

Everyone else is really happy and babies look gorgeous with perfect markings coming out.

Cheers again for all the advice :good:
I would do 30% water changes.
Good Luck.

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