sick tiger oscar


New Member
Nov 20, 2003
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I have a 3 inch tiger oscar that has eaten his first goldfish today but he is now just sitting on top of a rock leaning against the glass and not moving at all he is still alive cause i can see his gills moving once in awhile and he seem to be kind of blowted and he has colors i have never seen before, the oscar is the biggest in the tank is there anything to do for this.

my tank consists of 1 tiger oscar 1 convict 3 firemouths 2 jack dempseys 2 Green Terrors 1 Clown knife fish and 1 needle nose Gar the oscar did great until i put the clown knife fish and the gar in but the knife fish and gar do not pick on the oscar the oscar picks on them. the size of my tank is 135 gallons temp is between 75 and 77 degrees and the ph level is 7.2 and i have plenty of filltration
Feeder are notorius for introducing diesease into tanks, with an oscar there really isn't any need to feed live food. It could just be he's bitten of more than he chew, and is bloated.

keep us posted and perhaps if he shows any other symptom we may be able to offer some more advice. hope he gets better

David :fish:
I agree with david...oscar don't need to eat feeder goldfish. I made that mistake aswell when I first started into south american cichlids. You're better off if you absolutely want to feed him live stock, to breed and raise your own in a sterile quarantine type tank. If he makes it through this start feeding him large cichlid pellets. Also I found rosey reds to be a bit less risky in the disease department.

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