Sick Swordtail--internal parasites?


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
State of Fear
My female lyretail sword, despite her healthy appetite, has recently been becoming thinner. Now, she is swimming at an almost 90 degree angle with her head up and her tail down, and is looking very sickly!!! I'm wondering if it is some sort of internal parasitic infection or what; I need to know what to do about it quickly because I think she may be going fast. I will also be doing some research to see if I can find anything, but it would be better to hear from someone who already knows!!!!

Please help me save her!!! Not only did she cost a great deal, but she is also a very beautiful fish and I would hate to lose her!!!!

Thanks in advance!!
I've been doing some research; the closest thing I can come to what she has is (so far) Cryptosporidiosis. Does anybody know anything about this? I'm not sure if this is what she has; please help me!!!! I don't know what to do!!!!
:-( I'm having the same problem with 5 of my beloved fish. They're all eating normally, but they're really thin! I treated them with Jungle Parasite Clear, but I haven't had any succuess with that. :unsure:
well i might be able to help, i was having fish dying on me this way all the time and i read in a Tropical Magazine to try Interpet Anti -Internal bacteria (Number 9)

Day 1 = Full dose to aquarium
Day 2 = Half the dose to aquarium
Day 3 = Same as Day 2
Day 4 = Full dose to aquarium

But bfore you do that have your fish have:-

Clear poop and stringy?
Red and swollen anus?


I had the same thing happen to my female swordtail...sadly she died..and then my male lyretail got the same thing.

I did research and treated with Waterlife Octozin over a week ago and my fish is still alive.

It is small tablets and depending on your tank size you drop them right in your tank and they dissolve. You do that for 3 days. None of my other fish seem to be suffering so I think it just might of done the trick.

I know that brand is made in the UK....and it's avaliable here in Sweden so I would think it would be avaliable in the US as well.

I would try that if I were you :nod:
I don't know what happened I lost one sword tail yesterday.It didn't show any symptoms except white motion.It was healthy and eating properly.Now I don't want female sword tail to die.
It's fine and eating properly but I have reduced it's intake.
She is also having same string kind of white potty.Earlier the colour was brownish kind of.
From reading different forums I got to know this is diarrhea or some kind of parasite infection.Is this true?
Currently I am soaking the food in garlic juice and giving 2-3 balls a day.Please help.

Hello everyone,
My female sword tail is having white stringy poop.I doubt for parasitic infection.I lost my male sword tail today.It showed the same symptoms and died in a day.Please help.I am not sure this waterlife octozin is available in India or not.Where can I find this?Currently I am soaking its food in garlic juice and giving.Please give some home remedies.I am new to all this.Please help me.I don't want her to die.


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