Sick Silver Shark - Any Ideas?


New Member
Dec 6, 2006
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I wonder if anyone can help, I came home from work to find that my silver shark was not looking too well, he has what looks like a white film over certain parts of his body and he appears to have had his fins nipped at, he seems quite still which is very rare for him and just doesn't seem at all well.

All of my other fish are fine.

does anyone have any ideas??

EDIT: his tail also seems very red which is not normal, is it blood???


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Could be fungus but to be sure were going to need some more info:

Water stats:

Tank size:

Tank mates:

Water changes(how often and how much):

How long has the tank been set up:

there just some off the top of my head but more maybe needed.
We need more info like the above poster has asked for.

Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
What do the fish gills look like. Do they look pale with excess mucas or red and inflamed.
Does the fish erratic swim or dart around the tank.

Does the white film look slimey.
Any red sores or red piece marks on the fish.
Has your ph changed.
Fin Rot Rotting fins, loss of appetite and laying on the bottom of the tank. This is due to a bacteria that infects the fins of the fish. It is sometimes brought about by bullying from other fish and fin nipping. Most often it is due to poor water quality. There are medications available such as Tetracycline from Mardel Labs. Remove any carbon filtration before using medication because the carbon will absorb the medication. Before using medication though try increasing the quality of the foods you are feeding your fish, separate them from any fin nippers and step up your water change schedule. More information on Fish Fin Rot
Sorry didn't see the red tail bit.
Red edging to tail fins or red streaking can be bad water quality, septicemia.

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