Sick Siamese Fighter - please help


New Member
Jun 16, 2003
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I live in Bangkok & my Siamese fighting fish is about 2.5 years old. So his problems may simply be old age, but just in case there's something I can do to help him, I'd like to try.

In the past week, he's been having daily episodes where he seems to go a bit loony & flops about, a bit like a sperm cell zigzagging towards the egg but with more frantic energy. He seems to be going for air, like he's really out of breath. Then, exhausted, he drops to the bottom, breathes heavily, looks like he's about to die - but eventually recovers.

When he seems more calm, I feed him & he's still eating, though much less than before - but during that time he seems more normal. For the past 4-5 months, 'normal' has been pretty unenergetic, not moving around too much, but still generally OK.

Just this morning, I've noticed small puncture-type holes in his bottom fin. It looks like wear & tear of age rather than disease, but really I don't know. I haven't noticed any other unusual discolorations.

In May he had a cotton fungus, but it was gone after two weeks of medication.

I'm wondering if it's not really gone & is what's causing his problems. Or if in fact I overmedicated him (I followed instructions precisely, but continued to add lesser doses for 2-3 weeks when symptoms were gone, to be on the safe side).

If he's just old, then that's how it goes, but if anyone thinks this may be a specific problem, please let me know your thought & what, if anything, I can do.

Some additional info:

1. He lives in a wide deep bowl (not aquarium), with 4.5 liters of water. During his recent episodes, I've been placing him in a smaller bowl so he can reach air more easily.

2. I've always used bottled water. I normally change the water once every 3-5 days. The regular bowl usually has plants & leaves from a tree said to be useful for keeping the fish healthy. Since May I add small amounts of sea salt with every water change.

3. There are no other fish in the bowl.

I appreciate any informative responses,
I wish I could be more helpful, but I can't. From what I know, your betta is a ripe old age. Their life expectancy is about 2.5 - 3 years. I believe that anything over that is a bonus. As you have already had yours for 2.5 years and he was most probably about 6 months to a year old when you got him - I think you've done pretty well.
Thanks, gadazobe, for your reply.

Actually I've had him for 2 years, but as you said, I estimate he was 6 mo. old when I got him.

I bought him a general get-well type medication & he seems to have improved. No insane flopping about the bowl this morning & he's more friendly again.

His fins are pretty well-worn & the holes on bottom fin are growing bigger. Plus I noticed small black spots on bottom fin only.

Do you recommend adding fin repair medication ay his age? Can the spots signify anything - or are they just 'old man's liver spots'?

Thanks again,
black spots i know it may not be nessasary the cause considering the water changes but i think this is possibly a responce to high nitrates if it is fin rot tho im not shure i belive long finned fish can sometimes loose their fins a bit when they get older to finrot as the fish gets older they are less able to reproduce the cells that make up their body. when small amounts of bleach or nitrate (btw i do mean small amounts when in terms of an old fish) the fin can start to get attacked by the bacteria that cause natural rot as there is no blood circulation in the fin anymore. its a shame that i have been out of the hobby for so long or i would have been able to check on my sourses. im shure someone will debunk me or support me. i would hope someone to as im going from things i hear. well done on keeping your fish for so long and i hope he does well.
Thanks for the reply.

The hole in the fin's growing, but he seems more or less OK.

Can I treat him for fin rot while still giving him other stuff for general health improvement?

The guy in the store told me the health improvement medication is 'basic,' so it sounds like a fish multivitamin, but I don't know what's in it.
they sell some stuff that coats the fins i think im not shure if you can use the two medications at the same time i suspect it would be ok they might give directions on the pack as to if it will be ok or not if your fish is getting old then it might be the only thing left. good luck

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