sick red betta

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Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2003
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this bubble grew over her eye in litteraly hours!! What is it and what can I do?


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she has a eye fungus my mollie had the same thing and I dipped her in a salt bath only I am not for sure if you can do bettas and salt they do have scales dont they I am pretty sure they do my mollies eye looked exactly the same PM les or CM and get thier advice but anyway the mollies eye was better the next day and the second day it was like it was never there. I hope she gets well for you I know how crazy you are over your girls or ladies. let me know how they get.
thanks FKS&M I will read up on that salt bath thing and PM CM an les. Thanks for the help. :thumbs: I will let u kno how she does.
I want to try and help you but need some more information to be able to.

What kind of tank is he in? Is there filtration, if so what kind? What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates? What is the temperature of the water? How often do you do water changes and how much?

How is his behavior? normal, less active, gasping.........???

Also can you describe a bit better what it looks like? All I have been able to find is eye fungus but the descriptions say it looks like a white cloud on the that what it looks like? I couldn't see real well in the pics, not enough to make a guess. As for the salt bath, I have never done one to any fish and really wouldn't know where to start, a little aquarium salt in the water is good for bettas though. If you can answer these questions, I'll do my best to try and figure it out for you.
~playfulalliecat~I went to my L professional FS and talked to them about it. I dont think it is popeye so Im pretty sure its a fungal infection. They gave me Bettamax for her. I went ahead and treated the tank as well as her in her hospital tank. I gave the guy my test readings (pH, amonnia, etc...) and he said everything was great except for the pH so he gave me this stuff called Acid Buffer by Seachem. It adjusts pH to 5.0-8.0 My pH was at 7.4 He said that was a little high. I couldnt afford the stuff that automatically adjusts it to 7.0 :X so I got this stuff instead. So anyway, my tank the sick betta was in is a 10gal (US) with whisper filter and undergravel filter. the Whisper isnt working too well right now, Im waiting for next paycheck to buy a new one. :S Tried cleaning it and it still wont work right. The tank mates are 4 other female bettas, 3 cories and 4 danios. The water temp is around 78-80 degrees depending on if the tank light is on or off. Her behavior has been a bit off, shes been laying on the floor for a week (growth just happened yesterday). Shes still going to top to suck air and eat, tho not as enthusiastically as normal.:( I think thats all you asked me. Right? Think Im treating her and the tank right??? Oh yea, I do water change every 1-2 weeks. :thumbs: Thanx for tryin to help me!

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