Sick Pleco's


Mostly New Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Evening all! Two of my longfin super reds in qt have bloated stomachs, I have fasted for 3 days, as I suspect it might have something to do with the crappy wafers I switched to recently, and tret with octozin as I suspected it could be bloat I have just noticed tonight that it looks like there's something moving in one of the plecs anus' it doesn't look like anything dangle out more like he's trying to "nip one off" for want of a better term he also has clear stringy poo. I've tried blanched frozen peas and just on with an epsom bath. Could it be worms or a parasite?
Could simply have eggs or be fat as well. The new food probably threw their digestive system for a loop. Feed slowly. See how they do. Any labored breathing or sluggish activity? My plecos get stringy poo all the time and sometimes it's clear. This is normal.
Thanks for the replies, I've fasted him off the wafers for a few days and stomach appears to have "deflated" a bit! The wafers are higher in protein then the ones I normally use 37% instead of 27% so I wonder if that has anything to do with it
Well after a couple of days looking better the problem has re-occurred this time stomach is twice the size of what it was before and now anus is protruding and red! Waiting on some kusuri wormer plus landing on my doorstep hopefully tomorrow! Got him in a epsom bath with some deshelled peas atm to get him to go! Haven't fed the suspect wafers or wafers at all for 8 days now! He did seem to improve after a dose of octozin so wondering whether its worth another dose!? Hope I can save the little guy!

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