Sick Pleco Help!--rip Paco


Fish Fanatic
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Bc, Canada
my pleco is really sick his name is Paco hes just over and inch and hes a leopard sailfin Pleco(common) and hes in my 29g check sig. for stocking. hes tank is a little over stocked but i change the water every 5-7 days max never more and i do about 35-50% of the water. and im getting rid of all the guppies tomorrow and once i get it deliverd and properly cycled he will be in my second hand 65g tank. I did clean it today though....

Stats are- Testing with jungle quick dip 6 test strips.

Nitrate- 0-10
Nitrite- 0
Hardness- 75ish (soft)
Clorine- 0
Alkalinity- 80
pH= 6.8 (Neutral)

the tanks 78'f

I know i need liquid test i just used the last of these(can get more from a friend tomorrow)
but i have ound them acurate.

But the problem is even with the light off now hes on the bottom unlike yesterday(when i bought him and put him in my tank) hes just not like he was. He seems to be breathing hard and not sticking to the sides of the tank :unsure: . and i though he might just being weird(indenile) soo i tapped his tail with my net and he tried to stick to the side but kinda still a little then went to lay on bottom again. i tried feeding him but didnt see him eat and hes moving around a little. He shows no signs other than that of being sick his top fin is missing a small section but its not red and the rest is in perfict shape(they had him with young tiger oscars). I dont know if hes stress, trying to get used to his tank, or mostl likely really sick.

I have but in parasite clear fizzing tabs(a little less then they say to but in just unsure) and aquarium salt(poor corries will hate me) and i turned up the heater a teny bit earlier(could this be why). just soo unsure....I really need help im stressing out so bad im getting an awful head ache!!! :shout:
that to me sounds normal

is he losing colour? sunken belly?

mine is always hiding and sometimes just sits on the bottom, and i NEVER see him eat, but he's ok

First of all - big deep breath!

It's good you put in less meds than instructions say - usually you just half the amount with plecos.

It might be he's not responding well to the salt in your tank - I've never used salt so can't say how it would affect a pleco.

You have shown your test results, but don't have a result for ammonia? Can you test for this?

A few questions...

What do you feed the pleco?

Have you ever seen him eat?

Does he have a hollow belly?

What is his colouring like? When mine gets stressed he goes all stripey with lighter and darker patches.

The best advice for most illnesses and issues is increase water changes, rather than medicate, especially if you're not sure what is wrong.

If it was me I would do a water change to reduce the amount of salt in the tank, but I seem to remember you have to decrease the salt concentration gradually? Hopefully somebody else can comment on this.

I'll check back later to see how you're getting on.

HTH :good:
I found he wedge in a corner of the inside of my pirate ship and he had sadly passed on...Rip little buddy.
I hope to get another leopard soon as their beautiful but its sad to see him go...='(
I am sorry to hear he didn't make it.

I wouldn't advise you to get another leopard pleco - a sailfin pleco right?


I have a 10" one sat in my 77ukg tank right now, please get a smaller species for your 29g!

here he is stuck on the glass - bear in mind my tank is 2ft high!

(Apologies if it's not a sailfin! :blush: )

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