Sick Plec :(


Fish Fanatic
Jul 4, 2006
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I went downstairs this morning to find my plec floating at the surface. I have had a him a while so I don't think it's something he came with. Can anyone give me an idea of what makes them do this and how I can help? I'm going to do some research online about it, but there's so much information it can be difficult.
How long have you have him exactly and how big is he? Does he look very skinny at all and is he eating (what do you feed him and how much)? How many gallons is the tank and what other inhabitants do you have in it?
Sadly he died not long after I made the post. I hadn't noticed anything wrong with him and my other plec of the same type had no problems. I'd had him about 3 months and he was 3-4 inches big. Tank is about 37 UK gals and contains guppies, mollies, platies, a red tailed shark, peppered cory, glowlights & neon tetras.

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