Hi, I am new to keeping fish. Our daughter asked to bring home fish from school, so, I've been scrambling to learn as quickly as possible.
One of our female platies has been hanging out on the bottom of the tank for a few days. Sometimes it swims around, sometimes it hangs out on top of the heater. When it swims, it seems like it's trying very hard to keep from sinking to the bottom - its fins "flap" very quickly. Often it seems like it's "tail heavy." It's much smaller than the other platies - I think it's always been the smallest, but I don't think the size difference used to be this great. It's shorter in length and height and thinner. I've tried feeding it peas (slightly cooked, shells removed, smashed), but it's never shown interest in them. It does eat the flake food usually. The other fish do not harass this fish as far as I can see. And I can't see any other issues with the fish.
We have a 10 gal tank with 5 platies (4 female, 1 male), 2 baby guppies, lots of pond snails (I think), and an assassin snail. It has some plants, not sure what they are. The snails have destroyed most of them, but at least one is doing really well. I don't think the platies are full-grown. They're maybe 1" - 1.5" long? The tank has gravel on the bottom, a heater, a power filter, and a light.
We've had the tank set up with all the fish for about 2 1/2 weeks. The platies came from school, the assassin snail from a pet store, and everything else came with the tank. I bought the tank from someone who had kept fish in it for a while. (For transport, he removed the water, bagged the plants, and put the baby guppies in a container.) I didn't have any bacteria starter stuff, but I hoped the residual water in the gravel and filter would still have the necessary bacteria. I did use a dechlorinator solution on the water though. The assassin snail was added about a week ago, maybe a few days before the one fish started acting oddly. At that time, the pet store tested our water and said everything looked good. I tested the water yesterday after receiving our testing kit, and got:
pH: 7.6
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 10
GH: 5 deg
KH: 3 deg
Temp is 76 - 79. (It's not steady since at the moment, I can only plug in the heater or the light. Filter is always plugged in.)
The other fish seem to be thriving - energetic and growing. Any help with our sick fish is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
One of our female platies has been hanging out on the bottom of the tank for a few days. Sometimes it swims around, sometimes it hangs out on top of the heater. When it swims, it seems like it's trying very hard to keep from sinking to the bottom - its fins "flap" very quickly. Often it seems like it's "tail heavy." It's much smaller than the other platies - I think it's always been the smallest, but I don't think the size difference used to be this great. It's shorter in length and height and thinner. I've tried feeding it peas (slightly cooked, shells removed, smashed), but it's never shown interest in them. It does eat the flake food usually. The other fish do not harass this fish as far as I can see. And I can't see any other issues with the fish.
We have a 10 gal tank with 5 platies (4 female, 1 male), 2 baby guppies, lots of pond snails (I think), and an assassin snail. It has some plants, not sure what they are. The snails have destroyed most of them, but at least one is doing really well. I don't think the platies are full-grown. They're maybe 1" - 1.5" long? The tank has gravel on the bottom, a heater, a power filter, and a light.
We've had the tank set up with all the fish for about 2 1/2 weeks. The platies came from school, the assassin snail from a pet store, and everything else came with the tank. I bought the tank from someone who had kept fish in it for a while. (For transport, he removed the water, bagged the plants, and put the baby guppies in a container.) I didn't have any bacteria starter stuff, but I hoped the residual water in the gravel and filter would still have the necessary bacteria. I did use a dechlorinator solution on the water though. The assassin snail was added about a week ago, maybe a few days before the one fish started acting oddly. At that time, the pet store tested our water and said everything looked good. I tested the water yesterday after receiving our testing kit, and got:
pH: 7.6
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 10
GH: 5 deg
KH: 3 deg
Temp is 76 - 79. (It's not steady since at the moment, I can only plug in the heater or the light. Filter is always plugged in.)
The other fish seem to be thriving - energetic and growing. Any help with our sick fish is greatly appreciated! Thank you!