Sick Platie !!

Ted H

New Member
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Cumbria ..UK
I've got a male platie who was once one of the most active members of the tank, however for most of today he's just hanging around the tank . seeking cover to hide from the others and not moving around much , even when his "pals" swim past he doesnt even bother ( where once he used to chase them).. Ive checked all my water and its all clear .. all parameters are zero .... the rest of the tank details are in my signature.. I do have a slight haze in the water at the moment .which has been there since my last water change 5 days ago .. any Ideas to help revive my poor old Platie ??
I did lose a single guppy a day ago . same sort of symptoms , but he was new from the LFS and I just put that down to stress. The rest of the fish are fine ,, no Ich nor any other sign of infection

My filter is a 203 Fluval canister with lage ceramic , carbon and sponge inside it, fitted with a spray bar there are also two airstones in the tank , plus live plants
When you say haze I am assuming you mean your water is cloudy....this is unusual and has me wondering if your local council has been adding something unusual to the water.

I am assuming you didn't quarantine the new guppy....if not, then it may have bought a disease into the tank that your male platy has been affected with.....

IF it were me, I would add some aquarium salt to the certainly won't adversely affect the fish and it may help you ailing platy. Your LFS should have this, follow the directions on the packet....DO NOT USE everyday table salt, this has ingredients in it which may be toxic to fish.

Good luck and let us know how it goes
You should probably also quarintine the fish along with adding aquarium salt. Maybe you could add some melafix, that might help. Or mabe your fish is just old.
Thanks for the advice guys, ....and no I didnt quarintine the guppy ..oops but I have been getting all my fish from my LFs ( voted in the top 40 in Uk !) and thought they would be fine for the sick fish ,,, he's still hanging in there . still alive ....I'll try the fish salts when the LFS opens tomorow. The haze I refered to is like a fine fog ...from what I 've read probably a bacterial bloom...would that have an adverse effect ?
how is the platy going? recovered?

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