Sick Penguin Fish


New Member
Sep 15, 2006
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Kirkmichael - Ayrshire
Hi there can anyone advise me on a treatment for this penguin which has what looks like an ulcer to me . I've had little success in treating fish in the past and would appreciate some advise please . Regards Kip
I would try marcaryn plus or melafix. Can you get a bigger picture showing the "ulcer". Can you also tell me the water parameters? That will help alot.
I would try marcaryn plus or melafix. Can you get a bigger picture showing the "ulcer". Can you also tell me the water parameters? That will help alot.
Myxazin by waterlife.
Is it a pinkish red sore with a circling of white dead skin around the edges.
I would try marcaryn plus or melafix. Can you get a bigger picture showing the "ulcer". Can you also tell me the water parameters? That will help alot.

Sorry for the slow reply had an 11 hour powercut due to storms . Tried and tried to get a better picture of the ulcer but the fish always darts off before i can snap the little blighter . The ulcer is a milky white colour . The fish behaves normally in all other ways but obviously an ulcer that size can't be good for it . I'll test the water and post the results . Though there was nothing alarming the last time a checked them ( a few days ago ) .


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Myxazin by waterlife.
Is it a pinkish red sore with a circling of white dead skin around the edges.

Hi there thanks for replying . The ulcer is a milky white and seems to go from the fishes side to the top of it's head . I tried to get a better picture .


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Its not an ulcer, if the fish isn't flicking and rubbing I would try a bacterial med.
Milky patches can be many things from bacterial to parasite.

If the patch is filled with fluid I would issolate him.
Its not an ulcer, if the fish isn't flicking and rubbing I would try a bacterial med.
Milky patches can be many things from bacterial to parasite.

If the patch is filled with fluid I would issolate him.

Thanks for the reply Wilder the fish isn't flicking or rubbing at all . What med would you suggest ?
I would try myxazin, is it filled with fluid or hard looking.
Sorry I know this is missing the point slightly but that fish looks really cool, never seen one of those before
It would be best to issolate if you can as the bacteria from the blister thing could burst and infect the tank.
Hi Tweety ,
Well been treating the fish with myxazin as you suggested and it's responding well. It's a bit slow but it's looking better . Thanks a lot for your valuable help .



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