sick or stressed tret


Jan 30, 2004
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i bought a tret about 2 weeks ago and he he had all his fins and had dark black stripes and yesterday i noticed his stripes had dissapeared and were not coming back and the edges of his fins had bite marks in them but he is still acts normal and is eating i unknowingly was over feeding my fish with 3 feedeings a day i think this is ether stress or overfeeding what do u think i really need help quick if it is stress i am going to trade him in.
whats your water conditions looking like? Bad water => stress => diseases
i can only test ph and its 8.0 but today or ytommoro when i go to my lfs i will get it tested i sold my 25g inhabitants to my friend for a bit and im putting my africans in there because it has good water conditions but to make sure i did a 40% water change and put waste disposal ans tap water conditioner in and later tonight i will put the africans in. until i get my other tank sorted out

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