Sick or Not?? J F Y I


Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Miserable Wells, Texas
Well I have it figured out...................Internal bacteria............ :no: NO :no:

Too many blood worms..... :sick: more than likely :sick: poor little angel ate himself to death....

when I finally decided to add medication to tank, that
was ........S T U P I D!!!!!!! killed ALL the biological matter, so I had to start from square 1 and my tank has to cycle again, that is why my readings were so high, and my other angels started dying.

Angel #3 is still hanging in there....even though he got stuck to the intake pipe twice......he is doing great and eating well....but just a couple of small feedings a day though.

I should have stuck with my gut feeling about adding medications to my tank....I have learned my lesson on that.....if I do have a sick fish, and I K N O W he has an infection or bacteria, I will quarantine it so I don't mess up the biological mumbo jumbo in my large tank.................

Just wanted to post this in case someone else didn't know that medications would mess
with the tanks cycling...
:look: Trish
what kind of meds did you add to the tank? meds should not mess with the cycling. they will only kill off any "bad" bacteria or fungus in the tank. they will not destroy the essential bacterias needed. the reason you quarantine a fish and put it into a smaller tank is for the sole reason to cut down on the amount of meds required for the recommended dosage and treatment. also to help to prevent the other fish from becoming infected. depending on the illness though, if one is sick then the others should be treated, ie ich.

just read another of your posts on plastic plants and if this is the tank that you had the plastic plants in that could be the culprit. i would do a large water change and if you are not using carbon, add some to the filter. make sure that you do not leave it in there for more than three weeks. the active period of carbon is three weeks, any longer and you risk the chance of the carbon leaching the harmful toxins back into the tank that it has removed.


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