Sick Of Dying Fish


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Well, after loosing all my tank about 4-5 months ago, and having cleaned out the tank 4 months back, recycled (fishless) and thinking all clear.........I have an Angel thats lost and eye without any symptoms, and now I have lost a Flying Foxes overnight. No symptoms at all for the week that I had them and they looked fine and happpy this morning.
Come home from work and dead.........maybe just a coincidence I dont know...........otherwise all the other fish look fine and active...swimming eating etc

Stats as follows:

Ammonia 0
Ph 7.2
Nit 0
Nitra 5
Temp 25 degrees
Hardness 90

Will do a 30% water change later today, but almost at a point of giving up after enjoying over 2 years without a problem and then suddenly all this are upset too.

Any advice would be warmly received.
aww, you`ll get some good advice, not from me tho as i am rubbish when it comes to illnesses
i just lost my clown loach to whitespot, and even with 2 rounds of treatment i couldnt get it under control ( started treating when there were literally 3 spots on him )

dont give up though, think of it as a learning curve, get all the info you can about why it happened and what if anything you can do to prevent it next time,
i know the children wont see it like this, but they are very tough little cookies and im sure they would love to see new fish in the tank, i tend not to tell mine when they are sick, tho they dont pay much attention anyway :/

i hope you dont give it up,as like you say,something must have gone wrong if all has been well for 2 yrs, just need to find out what happened

wish you lots of luck

shelagh xxxx
Thanks, I will try to still in but its very disheartening..........damn............certainly wont be replacing it until tank is steady for couple of a single Flying Fox O'K with the Gouramis and the rest of the community tank (see signature)....?

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