Hello all,
I was refered to this board in the hopes that someone would have some insight as to what my Gourami is fighting. Here is my original post from the other website. It's a bit wordy but I wanted to be as complete as possible. I love my little guy.
Hello all,
I came home today and noticed that one of my fish was staying behind the intake tube near the surface of my tank. His gills look much more red than the other gourami, and every once in a while he sucks at the surface of the water instead of his normal big gulp of air. The tetra's in the tank seem to be acting normal.
Changes made in the last few weeks:
5/17 added lots of new plants &removed a chunk of driftwood
5/21 switched over to a canister filter. I'm wondering if the resulting surface scum is bothering his breathing. What do you think?
Also, there are these thin flakes that are coming out of the spray bar of my Ehiem, I know that other people have seen these before. Do you think that these would make my fish sick?
5/25 Removed an established sponge filter run by an air pump. (In retrospect, I removed this too soon but I gave it a good squeeze in the tank to help seed the new filter)
I did a 20% water change yesterday like I usualy do.
Here are the tank parameters.
pH 7.8
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0-5
83-84 F (It's really hot here but the fish seemed to do fine last summer)
KH 20
Co2 from chucks calculator is 9.5 (I'm working on getting that higher, but does anyone know what the ideal range is for my level of KH? Chuck's page stops at a KH of 15.)
Right now i'm going to set up a hospital tank since I'm using my QT for some pygmy corry's. I'll watch them at dinner today and see if his appitite is still normal like last night. Do you suggest that I move him now, or wait to see if this gets worse?
I did another 20% WC yesterday.
My Gourami did not eat at all last night, I even tried feeding him some frozen bloodworms. He is still hanging out at the top of the tank and breathing hard. I did notice some whitish poop today, and i'm wondering if it could possibly be another outbreak of an internal parasite. The gourami's had camalanus (sp?) about 6 months ago and I treated successfuly with discomed. However, I don't remember them acting this distressed. Anyone have any ideas?
Thank for any help you can provide.
I was refered to this board in the hopes that someone would have some insight as to what my Gourami is fighting. Here is my original post from the other website. It's a bit wordy but I wanted to be as complete as possible. I love my little guy.
Hello all,
I came home today and noticed that one of my fish was staying behind the intake tube near the surface of my tank. His gills look much more red than the other gourami, and every once in a while he sucks at the surface of the water instead of his normal big gulp of air. The tetra's in the tank seem to be acting normal.
Changes made in the last few weeks:
5/17 added lots of new plants &removed a chunk of driftwood
5/21 switched over to a canister filter. I'm wondering if the resulting surface scum is bothering his breathing. What do you think?
Also, there are these thin flakes that are coming out of the spray bar of my Ehiem, I know that other people have seen these before. Do you think that these would make my fish sick?
5/25 Removed an established sponge filter run by an air pump. (In retrospect, I removed this too soon but I gave it a good squeeze in the tank to help seed the new filter)
I did a 20% water change yesterday like I usualy do.
Here are the tank parameters.
pH 7.8
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0-5
83-84 F (It's really hot here but the fish seemed to do fine last summer)
KH 20
Co2 from chucks calculator is 9.5 (I'm working on getting that higher, but does anyone know what the ideal range is for my level of KH? Chuck's page stops at a KH of 15.)
Right now i'm going to set up a hospital tank since I'm using my QT for some pygmy corry's. I'll watch them at dinner today and see if his appitite is still normal like last night. Do you suggest that I move him now, or wait to see if this gets worse?
I did another 20% WC yesterday.
My Gourami did not eat at all last night, I even tried feeding him some frozen bloodworms. He is still hanging out at the top of the tank and breathing hard. I did notice some whitish poop today, and i'm wondering if it could possibly be another outbreak of an internal parasite. The gourami's had camalanus (sp?) about 6 months ago and I treated successfuly with discomed. However, I don't remember them acting this distressed. Anyone have any ideas?
Thank for any help you can provide.