Sick Moray EEL Help


New Member
Oct 16, 2003
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Mississauga, Canada
Can anyone please help us? we have a freshwater moray eel that took a dive out of its tank two days ago and now we have discovered a swollen red bump on its fin approximately one inch in length and it has the appearance of a blood blister also in the area of the bump there is a white fur like substance which is also around the mouth. Eel is scratching the area with his mouth. The eel is kept with ghost shrimp as food as well as the occasional minnow. The ghost shrimp seem to attack it. is this possible :-(

The set-up is a ten gallon tank with gravel bottom, and a faux log hiding place with plastic plants and rocks
the eel hase fungus and what sounds like an ulcer. what you need to do is get some treatment such as melafix. what ever you do DON'T use any copper based medication or it will kill all your shrimps. from what i can tell, the shrimps are doing a good job. they may just be cleaning up the wounds and picking at the fungus. in marine enviroments, shrimps will clean out woulnd of sick fish and eat parasites. if the shrimps are attacking it i.e. they are trying to eat good flesh, then I would get them out.

I would get some medication in ASAP and leave the lights off. eel's are quite good at spending time out of the water so there is a good chance he may pull through.
Freshwater moray? Is there such thing? I have never seen anything like it.
Theyre not really a freshwater species as adults require brackish water and some say they even enter full marine conditions in the wild.

Adding some marine salt at a dose of 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons along side the medication will help the eel heal quicker.

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