Sick Molly

Mar 28, 2004
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I have some new one of them is sick as I have just discovered. (molly)

white fin edges
slightly skinny ( may be from lack of food at Wal-Mart)
possible one white dot
possible white on mouth ( prob just imagined that though)

What disease or diseases does my fish have?
How do I treat it?
What about it's tankmates? (3 guppies and 2 other mollies)
;) Can you please provide some more information about the tank like the water chemistry, the tempertaure and how long it's been established.

;) These are the possible diseases from the information you gave:
White Fin Edge - could be fin rot, which the fins look torn up and there are white fuzz on the ends.
Slightly Skinney - it could be from lack of food or it could be related to an internal pararsite. The fish would also be weak and look thin. I experinced this problem before.
One white dot - may be Ick if it look like tiny grains of salt.
White on mouth - possibly a fungus if it looks fuzzy and cotton-like.
The white spot and on mouth were just me being paranoid :p ....I rechecked and they are gone.

Tank 10 gal
7 years established
Nitrates a little high but going down as we speak
everything else good

temp about 77
-_- Is it possible that you can provide a picture, because the symptoms sound like a conbination of diseases. Here's a little information on differnt disease that your molly may have.

Fin Rot - Fish's fins look ragged and may have white fuzz at the tips. I would recommend useing Jungus Fungus Clear Tank Buddies.

Thin Fish - The fish appears thin and weak. It is caused by an internal parasite and can be treated with Jungle Pararsite Clear Tabk Buddies and for maxium results, feed Pepso food also.

Fungus - A white cottony growth appears on any part of the fish's body. If the probelm is Fungus, It's best to drop the temperature down a bit so the disease grows slower and can be easily treated. Treat with Jungus Fungus Clear Tank Buddies.

Ick - White dots (or sugar-like crystals) on fins and fish's body. This can be transmitted to other fish in the tank. This disease can only be treated in one stage, so raising the temperature up helps speed up the life cycle of Ick. I had very good sucessful treatmeants wuth Quick Cure.

:) Remeber, these are only suggestions on what your molly may have.
I was paranoid and the ick and fungus syptoms were just my imagination.

The fish had perked up after his salt bath and is just thin now.....but not as thin as he was....i think being in a 5 gal tank with 20 other mollies at walmart just deprived him of food. If he worsens I will let you know....but I think he I MEAN SHE is getting better. :cool:
:D It's great to hear that your molly's doing better! It's best to feed her frozen food (like bloodworms and brine shrimp) because it's much more heathier for your fish and they love it! :hyper:
:/ I never heard of a salt bath! Sorry, but I don't know how often you supposed to repeat it. I did a little research on it (because I had no idea what it was), but I couldn't find anything that said how often you do it. I really wish I could have answered your question! :sad:

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